the yorkshire terrier is a small, toy-sized dog. yorkshire terriers seem oblivious of their small size. they are very eager for adventure. this little dog is highly energetic, brave, loyal and clever. with owners who take the time to understand how to treat a small dog, the yorkie is a wonderful companion! it is affectionate with its master. it has a true terrier heritage and needs someone who understands how to be its leader. yorkies are easy to train, although they can sometimes be stubborn if owners do not give the dog proper boundaries. the yorkie is an excellent watchdog. when owners display pack leadership to the yorkshire terrier, it is very sweet and loving and can be trusted with children. these are truly sweet little dogs that need owners who understand how to give them gentle leadership. contact us below through any of our connectstelegram: @shoemousesignal: [hidden]
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Caratteristiche e prezzo Bouledogue
Il prezzo medio di vendita di un cucciolo di Bouledogue riferito a 169 annunci attualmente presenti online è di 911,00€*.
Il prezzo minimo di vendita è di 250,00€*, il prezzo maggiore è di 1.800,00€*, consulta tutti gli annunci per determinare il tipo di offerta tra Allevamenti o privati. *Riferito agli annunci presenti ora online.